The association ”Peace Museum Bridge of Remagen e.V."
Less than a year after the opening of the Peace Museum, Hans-Peter Kürten, Mayor of Remagen and initiator of the Peace Museum, founded the association "Friedensmuseum Brücke von Remagen e.V.", also to ensure the existence of the museum independent of political currents within the city administration. The primary tasks of the association to date are:
- To promote education and upbringing, especially through the operation and further expansion of the Peace Museum.
- The preservation of the towers of the former Ludendorff Bridge in the sense of monument protection.
- Spreading the idea of peace, tolerance and international understanding.
- Promotion of science and research, especially through the collection and development of historical material in connection with the history of the "Bridge of Remagen" as well as the promotion of publications about it.
This wide range of tasks is currently supported by over 100 members. Not only do they contribute significantly to the preservation of this historic site, they also have free admission to the Peace Museum. Would you like to become part of this community for only € 24,- per year? You can download the application form here. We are happy about everyone who actively shares the idea of peace with us.
The association is led by Karin Keelan, Volker Thehos, treasurer Barbara Heimbach and the committee member Anke Sultan. The statutes of the association can be found here. For all questions and suggestions concerning the association FRIEDENSMUSEUM Brücke von Remagen e.V. please send an email to We will be happy to call you back.
Every day let us work for peace with our mind and heart.
Each person should begin with himself.
(H.P.Kürten - Founder of the Peace Museum)